This is Knot a Hook

Erin Hupp x Windy Chien

A collaborative celebration of the journey of the line at the intersection of function and aesthetics.

Erin and Windy Chien began their collaboration with a Knot Arch hook designed for Blunk Space's 100 Hooks' exhibition in Point Reyes, California. After the exhibition, Erin and Windy created a limited edition set of hooks titled This is Knot A Hook in celebration of their collaboration and the resulting evolution of their art practices.

On her pottery wheel, Erin hand-turns oversized bracelets, a motif featured in Erin’s work such as on her bracelet vases. She then alters the form into an arch and attaches two functional hooks, over which Windy knots colored cordage. Although Windy’s work is often monochromatic to accentuate the journey of the line through the knots, here the artists mirrored their act of collaboration by letting two colors converse.